Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Believe and Receive

Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." (Mark 9:23)

Never divorce Jesus’ words from His person. He is not saying all things are possible if we believe they are, but all things are possible if we believe in Him! We are not to believe in the power of our faith, our words, or our most sincere convictions (as some erroneously teach), but in the power of our God. The meaning of the Christian life is found in our relationship to God in Christ and nowhere else. When our faith is rooted and grounded in Him, we will ask, expect, and receive according to that faith. Then, Jesus says, “All things are possible.”

The saint placing all his cares on Jesus is the rarest thing, but the most precious thing to God -- and Jesus would have us put everything aside but faith! That is the work we are called to do -- to believe, especially when believing is difficult. We sometimes find believing hard, because we are seeking things from God, and not God Himself. We must not believe for great things, but in Him who does great things according to His love and grace. Once we believe that way, the abundant life begins, and that life is one in which all things are possible. That is how the Kingdom works, and that is how true believers live. Remember, with God, nothing is impossible, and the impossible is nothing.

Let’s Pray – Dear Father, may I never take my eyes off Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, and keep my faith centered in Christ, Who loved me and gave His all for me. Amen.


  1. Amen. Thank you Pastor for making the subject of believing all things are possible....contextually correct. We can't take our eyes off Jesus being the center of all things are possible; replacing Him with stuff or other matters. IN HIM, THRU HIM and ABOUT HIM...JESUS!!! All things are possible found in Him.

  2. Yes....the truth that needs some practicing.

  3. This is an encouraging and correcting word Pastor Eric.
    Much appreciated..
