Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Let it Shine

"You are the light of the world . . ." (Matthew 5:14)

No, this wasn’t someone speaking to Jesus. This was Jesus speaking to us, the people of God. What a charge! We are called to light up the world and illuminate the path to God for all men to see. Though none of us are sufficient in ourselves for such a task, we have been given the pure light of the Holy Spirit to enable us. God does not need us, but He chose us -- and we should be eternally grateful for the unspeakable honor of being witnesses to our Lord. Hallelujah!

With this grace comes a sobering reality. We must choose to live in such a way keeps us available to house the presence of a holy God, and allow Him to employ us as “lamps” that chase the gloom and darkness of the world around us. We must fight every thought or action that veils the light, and we must make the moment-by-moment decisions that promote and protect the purpose of the Savior. When we do this, the power of God beams from us into the mean circumstances around us, and men see the unmistakable hand of God at work. Then, even those who don’t know Him will acknowledge His works and give Him glory. Here’s how it works – I shine, men see the light, and God gets the glory! 

It safe to say that men who would never glorify the Lord will be compelled to do so when we live and speak like the children of light. The atheist, skeptic, agnostic, and wayward will not be convinced by our intellectual arguments, but by our love for them and one another! There is no phenomenon comparable to the sacrificial fragrance of agape -- the love of God in Christ. As we keep our lamp aflame, the demons must retreat, and the unbelievers will shout a praise they never knew was in them! Now doesn’t that make you more determined than ever to shine your light?

Let's Pray - Dear Father, I will let my light shine, and men will see You clearly through my worship. Lead me by Your Spirit today. In Jesus, Amen.


  1. Amen!!!! Glory to God. This is a good ole shouting and praise up to the Lord WORD. Thank you Pastor.

  2. Amen. May the Lord be glorified in all that I do.
