Saturday, December 23, 2023

Let This Mind

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus . . . (Philippians 2:5)

If Christians are not mindful, we will be be stumbling block to those our Savior wants to reach. We become a hindrance and grief to the Holy Spirit with our agenda and proclamations, and we will make demands that sinners cannot possibly meet — that we ourselves can’t meet. Jesus never possessed this attitude. He never expected anyone to know or please God, but He prayed that men would see God in Him and believe. 

Once we see God in Christ and believe in Him, we are on the path to heaven; and as we continue to look to Jesus and trust Him, we are transformed into the image of the Christ we behold. We now worship God in spirit and in truth. That is the mindset that pleases God. That is the mindset we need. 

Let’s Pray — Precious Lord, thank You for the Mind of Jesus Christ. May my reality be based on the knowledge of Christ and nothing else. Jesus is enough. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!!! God is so good that the crumbles from HIS table are full, juicy and rich. I'll eat'em. Cuz, I want more.... want more and need of you.
