Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
The Lord has given us sound minds and faculties, and most importantly, He has given us His Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are responsible for what we believe and who we receive. The Holy Spirit will give us the wisdom and discernment to know what is and what is not from the Father, and we can never be fooled if we harken to the Spirit and the Word of God. If we test them, every spirit that is not of God will fail that test — every time.
Far too often, we harken to voices that entertain us and appeal to us, that tell us what we want to hear, that agree with us and our sense of right and wrong. Yet, the Spirit of the Lord will never witness of anyone or anything other than Jesus Christ. The men and women God speaks through will never draw attention to themselves or their cause, but to Jesus and Him crucified. That is the standard by which we must judge every spirit who speaks to the church. May the Lord give us more discernment, wisdom, and courage in these matters.
Let's Pray – Heavenly Father, I will never be deceived or misguided if I’m found in You. I desire to be in Your will, Your house, and with Your people. Thank You for the gift of discernment, that I might KNOW what is pleasing in Your sight. Amen.