Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Send Me Lord

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)


The holy pattern for God’s ministers is seen here. We must not simply go but be sent – for we cannot reveal the true and living God to others until we ourselves have seen Him and received His approval. We must not send ourselves, for it is not our interest we are standing for, but His. Isaiah understood this, and he responded with a sincere purpose to go and to glorify the God he had just seen. May it be the same for every one of us who wish to be known as servants of God. May we wait until we have seen, heard, and been commissioned by the Lord before we go.


There are three witnesses of every man or woman called to the ministry — the Lord Himself, the minster himself or herself, and the elders of the church. This is the pattern in the New Testament, and it is the third requirement that is most likely to be neglected. Many are convinced that God has called them to go out, and they go out on the strength of that conviction. However, there must also be a "laying on of hands," as men and women of stature in the church agree and consent to the minister's call and commission. That is a more complete picture of God's thought for those who seek to go into vocational ministry today; and it is particularly important to heed and honor each step. Remember, it is much better to be sent than just go!


Let's Pray - Lord, I am not only willing to go, but willing to wait until You send me. Give me the patience and wisdom necessary for Spirit-filled ministry. I desire to glorify You alone. Amen.

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