Saturday, August 17, 2024

Patience and Perfection

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:4)

Before the Lord can use us as change agents, He must first change us. God is doing a new thing in you, and “new” means something that has never been done before. The life of this new creature is not learned overnight. It is a beautiful and difficult work that only the Lord can accomplish, and He does that work according to His will, His Spirit, and His timing. So, be still and trust Him. Let Him have His way with you. He knows what He is doing, and He knows when to do it.

The saint who "lacks nothing" is one who is filled with the Holy Spirit and the wisdom that prepares him or her for every situation and conversation. This preparation is a sovereign work of God that cannot and will not be done according to our efforts or desire; but the Lord employs times and seasons to accomplish His work as He sees fit. 

We suppose God will move according to our prayers and requests, but that is not so. He will move according to His will, and by patience, He perfects our will to agree with His. So, empty yourself, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. When He fills you, you will be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  

Let's Pray - Father, have Your way and complete Your work in me. You are sovereign, and Your will is superior to mine. I humble myself in Your sight. Amen.

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