Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Not By Sight

For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Yes, the Lord has cloaked Himself in invisibility, He has hidden Himself from the learned and the wise, and the most intelligent are overwhelmed by the thought of comprehending Him or His ways. He has chosen simplicity and humility over haughtiness and pride. He is meek and lowly, and we must come to Him as children or He will not receive us. Therefore, the world and its obsession with itself and its pleasures will never enjoy the fellowship available to those who simply hear and believe; those who embrace the profound and indispensable joy of faith.


No effort to discredit Christ (and there have been many a furious effort) has succeeded in dampening the fervor of the faithful— those of us who have not seen, yet believed. We are that people, a holy nation whom the Lord has drawn by His Spirit, and we stand out as bright and shining stars against a backdrop of unbelief and darkness. We have not seen Jesus face to face, but we know we will — and we serve Him who we cannot see as though we do. Today we see as in a mirror in a poorly-lit room, but one day we will see face to face. This we know, because we have received the testimony of the faithful and of the Scriptures. By faith we stand, we believe, and one day we will see.


Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:30b)


Let's Pray - Dear Lord, thank You for the faith given to me by the Holy Spirit. I see You clearly with the eyes of faith, and I will follow You wherever You lead. In Jesus, Amen.

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