Saturday, August 31, 2024

Members of His Body

Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

The Lord loves His Church so deeply that He calls us His "body." We are the manifest presence of the Lord on earth, for He abides in us and with us in Spirit. Therefore, He says we are the light of the world, just as He is that Light. He is returning for a perfect church, and we must be found walking in the perfection of the Spirit and the bond of peace when he returns.


Jesus is our Peace. We are to be perfect (complete, healthy, and holy), just as He is; and the members of His church stand as one, just as the Father, Son, and Spirit are One.


Membership in the church is not a matter of agreement to a certain set of rules and regulations, attendance at meetings, or participation in religious enterprises, no matter how noble. Membership in the body of Christ is the spiritual position given to every believer, whereby he or she receives the everlasting life God pours out on those He saves. We are now members of a heavenly family, not an earthly one; we no longer go to church, we are the church.


As members of His body, we are the expression, the hands and feet of the Lord. We prove that our God is a God of love, and He is still reaching out to the lost and broken.


Every member of His body preaches the Gospel — not some special set of believers, but all of us. Our message is this — God is ready, willing, and mighty to save! That is what it means to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Welcome to the family.


Let's Pray - Father, lead us into oneness with You and with one another, as You are one with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Help us to value every relationship within our spiritual family. May we love one another as You love us. Amen.


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