Saturday, June 1, 2024

Wisdom Calls Aloud

Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city. (Proverbs 1:20)


The wisdom of God must be received in the same spirit in which it is offered. The Lord gives His counsel and guidance to His children because He loves us, and we receive that counsel because we love Him. His wisdom is stored up for us, and it is an endless supply of His favor and His willingness to show us the way in which we ought to live. The complexities of life are such that we need the loving voice of our Heavenly Father to guide us through them well, and His guidance brings us to a wellspring of health that blesses us and everyone around us. When His wisdom becomes ours, we bring grace and light to every situation, and God is glorified in us.


Wisdom is the dividing line between those who truly belong to God and all others, and between the works of God and those of the flesh. His wisdom is spiritual, and it is only manifest in Jesus Christ and those who follow Him closely. When worldly wisdom encroaches upon the church, she loses her life and substitutes her own righteousness for the goodness of a holy God. That is the state of many in the church who present a form of godliness, but they possess none of the raw power and wisdom of heaven. Yet, our Lord patiently waits for us to respond to His call to come to Him for wisdom — to come to Him for Christ. Jesus is the wisdom of God. Come.


Let's Pray - Lord, I will respond to Your call to receive wisdom. I want to live a life that is directed by You and Your divine counsel. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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