Sunday, June 2, 2024

Not My Will

. . . saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)


The servant of the Lord is not often tempted to sin, but daily tempted to put himself first. As long as we are enamored with our gifts and concerned about what a blessing we are, we remain babes fit only for drinking and serving milk. We must get to the point where sacrificial living is the norm; only then are we truly set apart by God for His purpose. When we are "crucified with Christ," the laid-down life is the only one we know, and we resist every temptation to take it up again. Remember, you must first lay your life down to take up the life Jesus offers us.


Beware of self-sympathy, because it is the archenemy of the Christian worker. People we serve may abandon us, revile us, slander us, and do all manner of evil to us; but the Bible teaches we are blessed when they do! The shield of faith will extinguish every arrow Satan aims at us, and we must stand through it all and live victoriously in Jesus, who Himself was treated poorly in this world. God will surely take us through rough seasons and over difficult terrain, but the servant of the Lord has counted the cost and found Him worthy of the glory our suffering will bring Him.


Surely, we know that no weapon formed against us will prosper. So, may the Lord's will be done, as we lay down our lives, pick up our cross, and serve Him without complaint. Amen.

Let's Pray - Lord, mine is a laid-down life. Help me not to pick it up again, for it is the life of Christ that matters most. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN. Less, I forget....this is a good reminder to always lay everything at HIS FEET.
