Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Can’t Go Back

Saul took him {David} that day, and would not let him go home to his father's house anymore. (1 Samuel 18:2)

King Saul was greatly impressed by the bravery and skill of the young man, David, who slew the giant and brought about a rousing and improbable victory for Israel. David knew God intimately, quite unlike Saul and his army — and it is still true today that the children of God accomplish mighty feats impossible for those who don’t know Him.


Scripture teaches us every important battle is the Lord's, the weapons of our warfare are mighty, and the victory is at hand. This understanding is foreign to those who have no grasp of spiritual things. The same Goliath who sent waves of fear through the hearts of Saul's men was put to death by a boy and a rock. That boy had faith and that Rock was Jesus.


So it is today, that those who do great exploits do so by their faith in God, standing on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Just as David's faith propelled him into the life he was called to, so will yours. You are walking by faith now, and you can never go back to the common-sense life you once lived.


. . . and {Saul} would not let him go home to his father's house anymore.


Let's Pray - Dear Lord, I desire to know You and exercise faith like David, when he faced Goliath. Thank You for the victory You give me as I draw close to You through prayer, the Word, and the fellowship of believers. In Jesus, Amen.

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