Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wholly Following God

Nevertheless my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt, but I wholly followed the Lord my God. (Joshua 14:8)

How do you want to be remembered? What would those who know you best say about you and the life you live? Most importantly, what would Jesus say? Since we will surely give an account for our lives, what should our testimony be, and how do we live in a way that we will one day hear the Lord say, “Well done . . .”?


Caleb was a man known for one supreme attribute — he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel. This was true of him as a young man and in his old age. He didn’t just follow God, but he wholly followed God, and that fact differentiated him from others. The Bible is filled with stories of God’s people — yet there are some who stand out above the rest, who seem larger, stronger, and more dynamic than others. Daniel, Abraham, David, Moses, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Elijah, and Ruth come to mind. What was their secret? What did they have in common? Like Caleb, they wholly followed the Lord when everyone else opted for something other and something less.


Do you “wholly” follow the Lord? Is that what others would say? Is that what the Lord would say?


Let’s Pray Dear Father, thank You for giving Your children a different spirit from those in the world. May we walk closely with You, and may it be known that we have made the choice to follow Jesus wherever He leads. We will wholly follow You, Lord. Amen.

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