Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Just Go

But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.  (Jonah 1:3)

Many of us heard the story of "Jonah and the Whale" as children, and we never forgot the image of a man in the belly of a big fish. But this is not a tale about an ancient prophet gone astray; it is our story, because there is at least a little "Jonah" in each of us. Who among us has not done the opposite of what we knew was right? Who has not rebelled against the Lord's clearly expressed will and run the other way? Who is without sin? Yes, the Book of Jonah is about us; and it is a gift to us, if we will receive it.


We may see Jonah’s disobedience as an extreme case of rebellion, but is it really that rare among Christians? No, it is not! We must obey at once, or we too will experience the firm hand of God's discipline as Jonah did. Many saints today are in the "belly of the fish,” so to speak. Even small degrees of disobedience are drastic in the Lord’s sight, especially if we follow them to their conclusion — death.


Remember, God's commands are not suggestions, but a revelation of His sovereign will. His words are “spirit and life,” and they must be received and obeyed as such. Let our response to Him always be, "Lord, Thy will be done — starting in me!"


Let's PrayDear Lord, forgive me for the times I have been slow or unwilling to obey your commands. Teach me to say, "Yes," every time You call or send me. In Jesus, Amen. 

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