Saturday, January 6, 2024

Let Him Lead

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me . . . (Psalm 23:4)


It doesn’t matter where we are or what’s going on around us, as long as Jesus is leading. Fear has no place to settle in a heart that is following Him and abiding in Him. If the Lord has led you into a difficult season, rejoice, because the victory is nigh. Stay close enough to hear His voice and enjoy His peace, even in the midst of the storm. Jesus never leaves those He leads.

Spiritual growth is impossible without obstacles and strain. God uses life's difficulties to train us to look to Him, and we discover the depths of His love in those trying seasons. Remember, the work He is accomplishing in us is dependent upon His faithfulness and grace, and nothing else.


If you have been stripped of every other resource, good — that is exactly where God wants you. Go forward, and He will provide everything you need on the way. Trust Jesus and let Him lead. He will never leave you nor forsake you. 

Let’s Pray 
– Dear Father, where You lead me, I will follow. Give me an ear to hear and a heart to obey. I want to be found in You, and to be a sheep who knows Your voice and will not follow another. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. WoW!!!!! Ohhhh Wow!!!! The Lord, Jesus!!!! Christ Jesus is so faithful. He is indeed so faithful. Just when you think He ain't talking.....when you just wanna be over and finish....and you are doubting whether or not you are actually able to know His voice....for real; then HE SPEAKS SO LOUDLY. THEN YOU HERE HIS VOICE SO UNDENIABLELY THAT IS CLEARLY....HIM....IT IS AN EXPERIENCE that mere words alone can't translate. You know, you know, you know that you know. And not only so, GOD has been abiding with you and in you every day, all day and in every thing. RIGHT NOW, EARLY IN THIS DAY, all things are working for my good. He has not made a mistake; when He chose me. I am doing fine right in the middle of KNOWING NOTHING NOR UNDERSTAND His WAYS and thoughts. But I am fine, I am closer than I've ever been. I am the evidence of HIS GOODNESS, MERCY, GRACE, FAVOR and LOVE. Continue walking by FAITH IN the HOLY SPIRIT.
    Thank you Father.
    When God has it for us; He has it for us......whatever HE's TOLD ME; I heard Him correctly. I am in labor; birthing that baby that's been hidden within in. By His spirit it's coming forth. I am encouraged. I am thankful for every breath. I worship you. I am glad you are here.
