Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
God's wisdom produces a perfect disposition in us, the disposition of a child — trusting, believing, and humble. Wisdom is the precious inheritance stored up for us by our Father, and we are wise to seek a double portion. It is the Lord's desire that the pursuit of wisdom be our priority, and by it, we become more acquainted with Him and His ways. When we take hold of spiritual wisdom and understanding, we are blessed in all we do, and we are a blessing to everyone around us. That is God's will for His children — for you.
Each of us will make decisions about who and what we follow, and there are many voices which claim to know the way we ought to go. The world is filled with experts, advice, motivation, and methodology. Yet, only God's Word is eternal truth, spirit, and life. His words give us wisdom to live by, and when we receive them, we will enjoy abundant life according to those words.
There is wisdom stored up for us in the scriptures, and that is where we are sure to find peace and prosperity. Therefore, get God's wisdom, for it leads to life — eternal life.
Let's Pray – Father, I make wisdom my main pursuit today; above every other goal and every other desire, I value Your Word and counsel. Lead me in the everlasting way. I will gladly follow. Amen.
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