There is work done by men, and the work God does through men — it is important that we recognize the difference. Some works can be done by the sheer force of human effort, sincerity, good will, philanthropy, and charity. Yet, there is power which comes down from heaven in the Person of the Holy Spirit, and by that power, believers do works that glorify God and accomplish things according to His will and purpose. The choice is ours — working in our own power, or God working through us by His Spirit. Let us choose wisely.
The works of God are done in the power of the Spirit. Therefore, all things are possible, as we see in the wonderful ministry of our Lord:
- Jesus feeds 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread.
- Jesus turns water into wine.
- Jesus gives sight to the blind.
- Jesus casts out demons and sickness.
- Jesus raises the dead.
- Jesus forgives and restores sinners.
Having done these things and much more, Jesus tells His disciples that we will do even greater works (John 14:12)! How is that possible? It is only possible when we are filled with the Holy Spirit who descended and remained upon Jesus, just as He wishes to fill and remain in us. So, be filled with the Spirit, and let Him have His way. Good works will surely follow.
Let's Pray - Father, may Your works be done in me according to Your will and by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus alone, Amen.
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