Thursday, March 6, 2025

By His Design

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)


My Bible teaches we are made by God and for God, and we find our true purpose in life when we acknowledge Him as our Creator, our Author, and our Finisher. His love for us is deeper and wider than we can imagine, and that shows in the intricate care with which we were all made. He designed us and gave us life — and He has set Himself to save us, care for us, and spend eternity with us. We can trust Him to be attentive to every detail and aspect of our lives, and that is what it means to be the redeemed of the Lord. So, let's be sure to come humbly to the One who made us, loves us, and always has our best interests at heart.


There is no "Mother Earth," but only "Father God." Like us, the worlds were made by God, yet only we are made in His image (likeness). The Lord did not randomly produce humanity, and we are not some accident or afterthought of nature left to our own devices; and while the heavens and the earth will one day be done away with, we will dwell with our Lord forever in a new heaven and a new earth which comes down from above.


This is the revelation David is sharing with us here, and we do well to think more often and deeply on these things. Today, be sure to give praise to God for His wonderful works and everlasting love.

Let’s Pray - Father, I come to You, asking that You heal and repair every defect in my character, as I truly want to be like my Savior, Jesus Christ. Shape and mold me according to Your specifications, and I will give You glory and let my light shine for all to see. Thanks and blessings in Jesus, Amen.

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