Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Now I Rejoice

I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church . . . (Colossians 1:24)

God uses difficult times to shape our character in ways only hardships can accomplish. Every trial the Lord permits is an opportunity; a choice to lift our hands or hang our heads, to remember His goodness or remember our failures, to serve through it or shrink from it. Every delay we experience is the space God uses to purify our hearts, our hopes and dreams. Tough times are a set-up for our testimony and a platform for God's victory in our lives. So rejoice, children of God. Even in the midst of difficulty, rejoice!


It is natural to complain about our sufferings, but Paul chose to see them as a privilege and as a testimony to the overcoming power of Christ. When he speaks of, "filling up in my flesh what is lacking ...," he is not saying that our Lord's sacrifice was in any way insufficient; he is speaking of the joy he received in sharing the Good News of Christ, though the opposition he faced was fierce and violent, just as it was for our Lord. Paul was willing, even glad to suffer reproach for the sake of Christ, so that the church might be firmly established and built up. May the Lord give us the same attitude, and may we be determined to complete the ministry He has so kindly given us — even through suffering.


Let's Pray – Father, help me to see pass the present difficulties to the glory which lies ahead. I am looking unto Jesus, and all my hopes are found in Him. Amen.

Monday, March 10, 2025

God’s Good Works

So he answered and said to me:
“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:
‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ 
Says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6)

There is work done by men, and the work God does through men — it is important that we recognize the difference. Some works can be done by the sheer force of human effort, sincerity, good will, philanthropy, and charity. Yet, there is power which comes down from heaven in the Person of the Holy Spirit, and by that power, believers do works that glorify God and accomplish things according to His will and purpose. The choice is ours — working in our own power, or God working through us by His Spirit. Let us choose wisely. 


The works of God are done in the power of the Spirit. Therefore, all things are possible, as we see in the wonderful ministry of our Lord: 

  • Jesus feeds 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread.
  • Jesus turns water into wine.
  • Jesus gives sight to the blind.
  • Jesus casts out demons and sickness.
  • Jesus raises the dead.
  • Jesus forgives and restores sinners.

Having done these things and much more, Jesus tells His disciples that we will do even greater works (John 14:12)! How is that possible? It is only possible when we are filled with the Holy Spirit who descended and remained upon Jesus, just as He wishes to fill and remain in us. So, be filled with the Spirit, and let Him have His way. Good works will surely follow.


Let's Pray - Father, may Your works be done in me according to Your will and by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus alone, Amen.


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Therefore, Get Wisdom

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)

God's wisdom produces a perfect disposition in us, the disposition of a child — trusting, believing, and humble. Wisdom is the precious inheritance stored up for us by our Father, and we are wise to seek a double portion. It is the Lord's desire that the pursuit of wisdom be our priority, and by it, we become more acquainted with Him and His ways. When we take hold of spiritual wisdom and understanding, we are blessed in all we do, and we are a blessing to everyone around us. That is God's will for His children — for you.


Each of us will make decisions about who and what we follow, and there are many voices which claim to know the way we ought to go. The world is filled with experts, advice, motivation, and methodology. Yet, only God's Word is eternal truth, spirit, and life. His words give us wisdom to live by, and when we receive them, we will enjoy abundant life according to those words.


There is wisdom stored up for us in the scriptures, and that is where we are sure to find peace and prosperity. Therefore, get God's wisdom, for it leads to life — eternal life.


Let's Pray – Father, I make wisdom my main pursuit today; above every other goal and every other desire, I value Your Word and counsel. Lead me in the everlasting way. I will gladly follow. Amen.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Preach the Word

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2)

The word we preach is the power to convey the Man, Jesus Christ, to a desperately needy world. The work is arduous, and the preacher should count the cost before he preaches. This ministry requires consistent effort and care, and there is much stubbornness and sin to overcome. Yet, there is great power in the Word we preach — not our preaching alone, but the Word itself.  If we mix God's word with human wisdom, we will fall far short of our calling, and more people will be hindered than helped. When the focus is kept on the Jesus, our preaching will populate heaven and empty hell! So, preach Christ, and Christ only.


The Word of God is the only thing of value preachers have to offer. Even the best preaching will fail to do anything spiritual unless it is settled firmly on the Scriptures.

Hearing us preach, are the listeners left with an impression of us or God? That is always the question. When we speak, men and women should walk away satisfied, having enjoyed hot bread from the ovens of heaven.


May the Lord be revealed and glorified in our preaching every time.


Let’s Pray – Lord, may the life I live and the Gospel I preach bring the reality of the Atonement to light everywhere I go. Speak through Your servant today and may Your Word light the path of everyone who hears. Amen.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

By His Design

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)


My Bible teaches we are made by God and for God, and we find our true purpose in life when we acknowledge Him as our Creator, our Author, and our Finisher. His love for us is deeper and wider than we can imagine, and that shows in the intricate care with which we were all made. He designed us and gave us life — and He has set Himself to save us, care for us, and spend eternity with us. We can trust Him to be attentive to every detail and aspect of our lives, and that is what it means to be the redeemed of the Lord. So, let's be sure to come humbly to the One who made us, loves us, and always has our best interests at heart.


There is no "Mother Earth," but only "Father God." Like us, the worlds were made by God, yet only we are made in His image (likeness). The Lord did not randomly produce humanity, and we are not some accident or afterthought of nature left to our own devices; and while the heavens and the earth will one day be done away with, we will dwell with our Lord forever in a new heaven and a new earth which comes down from above.


This is the revelation David is sharing with us here, and we do well to think more often and deeply on these things. Today, be sure to give praise to God for His wonderful works and everlasting love.

Let’s Pray - Father, I come to You, asking that You heal and repair every defect in my character, as I truly want to be like my Savior, Jesus Christ. Shape and mold me according to Your specifications, and I will give You glory and let my light shine for all to see. Thanks and blessings in Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Be Reconciled

Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5:23-24)

God will show us the things that hinder our fellowship with Him, and one great hindrance is the failure to reconcile with others. It is impossible to be right with the Lord and wrong with your brother or sister. When the Holy Spirit instructs you to reconcile with another, do it, and do it right away. Go to your brother or sister today and make things right. There can be no spiritual progress until you do.


It is important to be in right standing with every believer, and we must endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. God desires relationships that are holy and healthy, and He expects us to diligently pursue that end. His instruction to "be reconciled" is not optional, and our offering (or ministry) is not acceptable until that instruction is followed. Jesus means every word He says — so, "Go your way . . . be reconciled."


Let’s Pray – Precious Lord, I desire to have unbroken fellowship with You, and I realize that requires holy relationships with those around me. Reveal anything that hinders, and I will tend to that thing today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

On Holy Ground

Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5) 

A casual relationship with the Lord is no relationship at all. All who draw near to Him must regard Him as holy and purify themselves, just as He is pure. God needs a clean vessel for the in-filling of the Holy Spirit, and we are unwise to think He is content to overlook the undone areas in our character. The Lord is holy, and He will have nothing to do with sin and unrepentant sinners. It is wise to come to grips with that truth as the Day approaches. 

We must not get familiar with God. Moses had much to learn, and His first lesson was God is not like him, and God’s ways and thoughts are higher than his. Most importantly, He is not to be approached with a presumptuous attitude — but the closer we come to God, the more reverence and awe we must give. He is not our buddy, but our Friend — and we are only His friends if we obey His commands. 


Therefore, we must be attentive and careful as we walk before the Lord — walking in a way that advances the Kingdom through our witness and our worship. All glory to God and no one else.


Seek to draw near, and when you do, take off those shoes!


Let’s Pray – Father, forgive me for a casual and familiar attitude when I come into Your presence. It is an unfathomable honor to be called and chosen to come before You, and may I value and seek those times more and more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Speak the Truth

Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. (Ephesians 4:25)

Godly relationships are built on the firm foundation of truthful speech. We are to speak the truth in love, and by doing so, we love each other as Christ loved us. Jesus always spoke the truth, no matter what the subject, and so must we. When we see our fellow believers as Christ sees them, we will always be sure to let genuine and honest speech flow from our hearts, building one another up in love and truth. 

Speaking the truth in every conversation is a firm requirement of the Lord for His children. We will be judged for our words one day, because they affect the lives of those around us. Our speech makes us faithful or unfaithful witnesses of God's character, therefore, we must make every effort to speak in a way that protects His reputation. Since our words are derived from the condition of our hearts, only hearts that are filled with the Spirit of God are capable of the speech He requires. May the Holy Spirit shed that love abroad in our hearts and through our speech. 

Let’s Pray – Lord, I will carefully guard my speech, especially as it pertains to believers. My conversation will edify my brothers and sisters, and may Your Spirit be always pleased with my words. Amen

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Jesus Paid All

And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (1 John 2:2)

‘Propitiation’ means ransom or appeasement. We are all sinners, and that makes it impossible for the Lord to receive or relate to us; for the wages of sin is death, and He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Jesus came on this tragic scene as the Lamb of God, who took away our sins by offering up His life in our place. Therefore, the righteous requirement of the law was fulfilled in Him. Those who believe and receive Jesus have eternal life, now that the ransom has been paid and God’s wrath is appeased. Beloveds, the Cross of Christ is the central truth of all that exists in the universe. It is the only thing that truly matters. Do you believe and receive that?

No one will be able to offer God an acceptable excuse for rejecting or ignoring the Cross. Each one of us has been clearly shown the truth – that there is a God, He is good, and we need to come to Him on His terms before it is too late. Even the demons know that there is a God in heaven, and they tremble at the thought of His power and their eventual doom. Therefore, the entire world will be judged and held accountable to God's holy standard, and only those of us who have accepted His terms of peace will enter into His rest. His peace and His rest have a name — Jesus. Be sure to enter in. Today.   


Let’s Pray – Dear God, Jesus Christ is the truth, and there is no other. Thank You for revealing Your Son to me. Now, reveal Him through me. Amen.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Follow the Leader

Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. (1Corinthians 11:1)


The Kingdom of God is not a matter of independence, but interdependence and the willingness to be led. God has been so good to place those before us who will lead us in the way we should go, if only we will follow them; and He holds us responsible for recognizing, honoring, and imitating them as they imitate Christ. So, note and revere the men and women who are over you in the Lord, for that is a pathway of peace.


Just as Jesus was an Example to His disciples, the Kingdom advances when we follow closely behind the leaders God ordains in our day. He has given some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Ephesians 4:11), so that His church is equipped, edified, and ushered into spiritual maturity. This leadership is not based on giftedness or superiority, but humility and grace — and as long as those leaders are following Christ, they are worth following. We can confidently follow after someone like that, and that is how the Kingdom works. Follow the leader.

Let’s Pray – Lord, I will seek, follow, and honor the God-ordained leadership placed before me. Thank You for the men and women who lead me in the righteous path. Amen.