Thursday, August 24, 2023

Kingdom, Power, and Glory

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever . . . (Matthew 6:13)

Let us not be distressed over the difficult times in which we live. Jesus has prepared and encouraged us, and we do not panic or respond fearfully when things are hard. He has taught us to respond to trouble and tragedy with prayer and to pray without ceasing; that is spiritual wisdom and understanding. Therefore, we enjoy an unshakeable peace, because we have placed every care at His feet.


That is our lifestyle; prayer, worship, and the confidence that God has the whole world in His hands. Remember, Jesus is not going to overcome the world -- He already has.


Let's Pray - Dear Lord, teach me to walk faithfully, even in very difficult times. I have the deepest confidence that You see all and know all, and You will make all things good in time. Thank you, Father. Amen.


  1. AMEN!!!!! This is so good!!!!! I need to write this down and place it in a frame whereby I can see it daily. Thankful for your gift of speech that allows you to communicate and express in language the very words that many are (as my self) struggle to make clear sometimes as it appears here in the prayers you post. Thank you for leading me into prayer this morning that come forth from my heart and soul. Even when I am silent....this prayer is uttered from the very depths of my being. It's a miracle to be calm during the daily storms, the winds, the rain and even in the midst of the heat,....experiencing PEACE more than frustration. Being still and knowing that HE IS GOD. Its a miracle, its a miracle; especially in the times we are facing now. He is able to keep us.
