Friday, July 21, 2023

Jesus Is My Sabbath

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

In the Law of Moses, the Sabbath Day was not only an observance, but a message God was communicating to His children; they were to find their true sustenance in Him, and not from the labor of their hands. God was their Provider, and He Himself was their Rest. All the promises of God were theirs as they believed, obeyed, and "entered in" to the fullness of His lovingkindness toward them. Sadly, they never came to understand what the Sabbath represented, because they did not hear or walk by faith. They preferred their ways over God's way, and we know where that led — death.


The same choice is before believers today. Have you chosen to surrender all to God in Jesus Christ, or are you still trying to earn God's love and favor? Truly, the Father has placed everything He cares for in the hands of His Son Jesus, and He is the only way to receive anything at all from heaven. All our striving is an offense to the Lord, no matter how sincere. Jesus finished the work God gave Him to do, so our work is finished in Him. To believe God is to have the assurance of knowing that everything God requires has been satisfied in Christ, and therefore, He is satisfied with all those who trust in Christ. So, let your anxieties go, and enter into God's rest in Jesus Christ. He is the true Sabbath, the Rest of God.

Let's Pray
 - Father I find my rest and refreshment in Jesus today. He is my Sabbath rest every day of the week. Amen.


  1. Amen. May the Father via His Holy Spirit (that leads me into the Truth) work in me the experience of KNOWING how to Rest in Him. Not just from a head place/knowledge, but trusting Him in all my ways so that Resting in HIM would become a part of my character traits.

  2. Amen! Resting in HIs hands today and doing the work.
