Monday, April 24, 2023

The Lord’s Correction

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the Lord loves He corrects,
Just as a father the son in whom he delights. (Proverbs 3:11-12)


Some men would rather argue and cry "foul" than receive correction, so they are not yet trustworthy with ministry or spiritual things. God is calling His servants to put away childish things, grow up in Him, and serve Him acceptably. This can only be accomplished by those who have learned to receive His correction and discipline, and that is one way the Lord shows His love.


We are more and more fit for the Master's use as we learn to wait and depend on Him, as difficult as that might be. If you are going through hardship today as a servant of the Lord, He is getting you pass your self-sufficiency. God's true servants will be found abiding and placing all their hope in Him. 

So, rest in the fact that God's correction is a sign that He delights in you. Receive His discipline and be blessed. That is what it means to be His child.

Let's Pray
 – Lord, I gladly receive Your hand of correction, because it leads me to repentance, and repentance leads me to the Cross. That is where my sins are forgiven, and my burden is lifted. That is where I am made more like Jesus. That is where I want to be. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely correct. Self just doesn't like being wrong and not having its way. But God's love is so great I am glad HE keeps chastening til soon or later we get tired of pitching a fit and crying and finally say YES!!!! Lord I agree with you. Rarely has my flesh appreciated it.....but when one looks up and begins to benefit from allowing God to have His way, things like hardship start not being so sour tasting. When He has drawn me closer to Himself the chastening starts to both feel and be perceived differently. But I admit, I went thru getting my head bumped at first before I finally gave in and up to His will vs my will. I can laugh now but it hasn't always been that way. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
