Saturday, March 20, 2021

Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8) 

What you see says a great deal about you, because what you see reveals the condition of your heart. God desires to give you spiritual sight, but your heart must be prepared to receive it. When your heart is pure, you will have the mind of Christ and perceive the will of the Father, and God will reveal Himself and His will to you; in other words, you will “see God.” So, what is the condition of your heart? Can the Lord reveal Himself to you? Are you pure in heart? If so, you are blessed.


The Lord is always seeking those who will worship, and who will do so in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). Those are His terms of endearment, and we are called to draw near to Him on those terms. There may be much Christian activity and energy being spent, causes fought for, and battles waged; but the Lord harkens to none of that. He is seeking worshipers, and those saints are found at His feet giving Him glory, not striving or struggling to do good or "give back." No one is good but Jesus, and the Father only finds pleasure in the Son. Let us be found in Christ, and the Father is sure to be pleased. Purify your heart and draw near, my friend. Then, and only then, will you see God.

Let’s Pray – 
Father, may my heart be rightly positioned to receive the knowledge of Your love and Your will. Purify me today. I want to be counted among the blessed. In Jesus, Amen.


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