Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Me and My Words

But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' for whatever is more than these is from the evil one. (Matthew 5:37)

 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. (Colossians 4:6)


Your words should be spoken more and more carefully, for the Lord will judge you by them. Jesus is saying, “If you say it, you must do it . . .” If we do as we say, we are honest. If not, we are liars and hypocrites, and no Spirit-filled saint is either of those things. Be careful, because your speech affirms or betrays you!


Our words possess more power than we think. Therefore, a mature Christian is a careful talker, who displays that maturity by speaking wisely. There are no frivolous conversations for saints, because others may live or die spiritually by the fruit of our lips. We have been given the profound privilege of speaking in a manner pleasing to the Lord, and we have been given the opportunity to edify those around us with our words. If we are good stewards of our speech, God empowers us to speak life and peace every place He sends us. Those who speak this way are particularly useful and pleasing to Him, for He can trust us with His Word and with souls. Let the Lord be heard through your voice today, and take every opportunity to speak words of life and light.


Let’s Pray – Father, I desire to speak pure and truthful words. I will set a guard at my tongue and choose my words carefully. May my speech reflect a clean heart, and may my tongue edify and encourage others. In Jesus, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Only by His Holy Spirit can I do this all the time. Sometimes it gets a little cloudy because of the factor of being truthful and especially when many times we are asked to participate in activities that are ahead of time. When an answer is needed then.
