Sunday, September 29, 2019

You Will Know

Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?” Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” (John 13:6-7)

Jesus is the perfect example of servanthood, it is His deepest desire to present us to the Father faultless, perfect, and holy. He, therefore, became our Savior through His sacrifice - that is, the blood He shed for us that washed away our sins and the condemnation they brought. By washing His disciples' feet, He was giving them an example of the ministry they would receive. They, too, would lay down their lives in order to present every man faultless, perfected, and holy to the Father, that we might be received into the family of God with joy.

The disciples would learn to lay down their lives and their rights for others, just as Jesus had done for them; and that is the unmistakable Spirit of all true ministry. No servant of God serves himself at the expense of the church, but he can be found washing feet, serving the poor, aiding widows and orphans, and preaching the unadorned Gospel of Jesus Christ. We who are true servants desire to see God bring many sons and daughters to glory; and we are given the honor of washing their feet, just as Jesus did for us. Now, they too are clean, and they can sit at the Lord's table. This is what Jesus was teaching His disciples by washing their feet, and this is what He is teaching us -- ". . . you will know after this." Now you know.

Let's Pray - Dear Lord, thank You for teaching us the value of service. May we do the same for others that You have done for us. May You find us washing our brothers' and sisters' feet. In Jesus, Amen.


  1. Thank you. By the worlds standard, Jesus was/is the lowest example of a king that ever lived. We must encourage ourselves in the reality that His/our kingdom is not of this world. Yet here we are in a foreign place serving His purpose, and serve according to His word we must. Help us, Lord!

  2. It was humbling for the discples to allow Jesus to wash their feet. It still is today. As I present myself daily before Him.It is an honor then when someone comes my way to give them a cold cup of water, or a word spoken,whatever He leads me to do.
