Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing.” (Genesis 18:11)
If you belong to Jesus, He is sure to give you a task too difficult to do without Him. Just as our Lord did nothing on earth except what He'd seen His Father do, we can do nothing apart from what we have seen our Savior do. Our attempts at reaching people for Jesus may be nothing more than a popular or corporate methodology — there is nothing of the raw power of faith in God and nothing of the Cross of Christ in that kind of "ministry." You and I, on the other hand, are called to that which is only done through the power of prayer and patience.
Remember, Abraham and Sarah were far past the age of bringing a child into the world, yet they would soon hold Isaac in their arms ("Isaac" means laughter). God laughs at the impossible. Let us laugh with Him.
Let's Pray - Father, help me to take You at Your word and respond in faith when You speak — especially when it is hard to believe! With You, nothing is impossible, and impossible is nothing! Amen.
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