Monday, January 20, 2025

Be at Peace

 .  . . be at peace among yourselves
(1 Thessalonians 5:13b)

Christians are to display the love of God to all people, especially those within the household of faith. When the Holy Spirit dwells in us, He overflows the borders of our natural affinities and freely expresses God's love as only He can. That unique love lays a foundation for peace, like that enjoyed by the Father, Son, and Spirit we serve. When we live in that peace, we truly are one, as They are One.


Beware of Christians who are strident and combative, more interested in being seen, being right, and demanding their rights than walking in God's righteousness. That is the spirit of the day, and it is not the Holy Spirit, but a counterfeit.


When the Lord wants to bring peace to a situation, He sends you, because you are an instrument of His peace. Controversies, divisions, self-seeking, and the like will all give way when a peacemaker enters the conversation. Our presence in the earth is a sure sign that the Lord is still extending His love and grace to a needy world, and He is not finished winning souls and saving the lost. So, go and deliver the Gospel and God's peace wherever the Prince of Peace sends you. Above all, be at peace.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)


Let’s Pray – Dear God, thank You for the unity of the Holy Spirit and the bond of peace in Your house. We will walk humbly and lovingly before You and before one another. May we come to Your throne and bow at Your feet continually. Amen.

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