Friday, September 6, 2024

Turn to Me

Turn at my rebuke;
Surely I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you. (Proverbs 1:23)


We must always be sure to respond to the voice of the Father. When we hear our name, we must turn to Him at once. If we do not, we begin an inevitable march to ruin and judgment -- and those things are not meant for His children. God will never force us to slow down, listen, or obey His voice. But when He reveals His will to us, we are responsible for what we do with that revelation. Our lives are precious gifts, and there is not another moment to waste with the foolishness and selfishness that once dominated us.


It is a sad thing for a child of God to refuse to come when He calls. Yet, that is where so many are today. Far too often, sin and fear are as present among believers as the children of the world around them. It is far too uncommon to witness saints living in the fullness of their salvation. How many of the believers you know are living the holy and spotless lives the Bible calls them to? Are you living that way? If not, turn back to Him today, for His arms are ever outstretched to receive You when you do. Don't delay. The Lord is near, even at the door.


Let's Pray - Dear Lord, I realize the urgency in turning to Your word and receiving Your wisdom. I cannot afford to let Your instruction go unheeded. I have decided to follow Jesus, today and forever. Amen.


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