Thursday, July 11, 2024

Faith and Understanding

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:1-3)

God's Word is manifested in all that we see around us. His Word "framed" or hung the galaxies, and their order is maintained by that Word. This verse categorically disproves evolutionary science and popular theories on the origin of man and the universe. There was no "big bang,” no Cro-Magnon man, or simian ancestors. By faith, we understand the Word the Lord speaks, and that Word brought the entire universe into being. Amen.


By faith we understand . . .


Never get frustrated with anyone’s inability or unwillingness to believe the scriptures. The truth we receive is accessed by faith — a faith some do not have. It is foolish to expect a blind person to see, or an unbeliever to believe. Spiritual things are ascertained by faith, and God made it that way. He chose to cloak Himself in invisibility, and to test our heart to see whether or not we will come to Him on His terms. When we do, we receive His wisdom (which seems like foolishness to the world), and we walk in the light of spiritual understanding, not the darkness and futility human wisdom.


Everything God says and promises is ours by faith and faith alone. So, keep believing God and the Word He speaks. It is impossible to please Him any other way.


Let's Pray - Father, I believe in the creative power of Your Word. Thank You for speaking into my life and changing me by the sheer force of that Word. Speak on, Lord. Amen.

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