Monday, July 15, 2024

Be Still and Know

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalms 46:10)


Stillness is a powerful tool in the hands of a believer. It is the temper of mind that allows God to perfect us in the wisdom that comes to those who wait on Him. While activities and busy-ness may gratify our souls for a moment, we are never truly satisfied until we are standing on the Rock of Ages, quiet and still in His presence.


The Psalmist says we are like trees planted by rivers of living water (Psalm 1). There we find the blessed assurance of His care for us and His sovereignty over all things concerning us. There at the feet of Jesus we find confidence and strength.


We must get to the point where we are sick and tired of ourselves and our own devices because God will not move until we are. He will only partner with a believer surrendered to His will. The instant we are, the heavens are open to us.


Let us exalt God, not men, not ourselves. Let us cease from our activities (no matter how noble), yield to Jesus, and follow Him. It takes longer than it should for us to learn this lesson.

Let's Pray - Father, I am firmly planted, and I have set my mind and heart on heavenly things. May I be in agreement with You, receiving Your guidance, wisdom, and counsel; refusing to be worried or afraid, and following You closely each day. Amen.

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