Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Door to Fullness

“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9)

Emptiness is the door to fullness in the Kingdom. When we are full of resources, knowledge, and worldly wisdom, we will never turn to God, but to our own ingenuity. Too often, we are worried about not having enough, and we are so convinced that all we need is more that we don't bother to thank God and offer Him the little we have. Being in need is not a curse, but a blessing when we take that need to God in faith.

The Lord will take us through seasons of lack, so that we might learn that He is our Sufficiency. That way, He can place us in any situation and trust us to look to Him, and not to our own devices. The miracle happens when we see "not enough" as the opportunity to trust God and exercise our faith. It is the mustard seed of faith that moves mountains and uproots the trees that stand between us and victory in Christ Jesus. If the Lord fed five thousand men plus women and children with two fish and five barley loaves, imagine what He will do for us, if we offer Him what we have. Remember, nothing is impossible with God; and with God, impossible is nothing.

Let’s Pray – Lord, help me to see my lack as an opportunity to ask and believe! I know that You will provide everything necessary for life and godliness, so I ask believing! In Jesus name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. He is sufficient in the fact ofjust being Him. What an honor to know Jesus.
