Monday, December 16, 2019

The Hard Truth

This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.   (1 John 1:5) 

John would have us know that there is no duplicity in God when it comes to His essence and His moral makeup – and there should be none in His children, either. If we say we are saved, we must walk in the light of truth as expressed in the scriptures, or else we are found to be liars and unworthy of Christ. In fact, the confirmation of our salvation is we practice the Word of God in every area of our lives. If we are truly His, He will not relent until He has washed us clean and made us holy. Unholy behavior is a sign that we are not saved, nor are we truly members of His body, for Jesus is returning for a bride without spot or wrinkle. This is a difficult and fearful truth for a relativistic and compromising Christian culture.

There were (and still are) heretics who teach that sin is an illusion and not a fact of life or attribute of a fallen race. These men, therefore, deny the necessity of the Cross and the atonement which appeases the anger of God, washes us clean, and justifies us in His sight. This lie is an affront to the truth and gives expression to the very darkness John speaks of. This egregious error is based on a Christ-denying mindset that supposes man possesses intrinsic goodness and a divine nature that can be developed by good works and an elevated spiritual consciousness. Yet, when John speaks of sin, he not only alludes to acts of sin, but the principle, propensity, and disposition of sin in all of us. In other words, we are born sinners, and our sin is a fatal problem until we repent and accept the sacrifice Christ made for us on Calvary. Therein, we see the difference between light and darkness. Light accepts the truth about Christ, about us, and about sin -- and darkness rejects it.

Let's Pray - Father, I accept the truth as it is presented in the scriptures. I am a sinner, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and Him alone. Thank You for this truth, for Jesus is the Solid Rock of my salvation. Amen.


  1. Amen. The Father wants our all or gray areas will be left alone. I repent for all that I know is sin as well as for the sin nature that a lot of times I am unaware of until the Holy Spirit shines the light on it. Religion today believes that WE ARE ABLE TO INTERPRET the BIBLE WITHOUT the SPIRIT OF GOD RENEWING OUR MINDS. I can hear God for myself; and need nobody to teach me anything. Today, as grown as I am I go to God as liken unto a child dependent on it's Father. And He is the one who has shined the light within me so that the darkness is exposed and removed. Once I couldn't fathom being without spot nor blemish. But today I am NOT in fear of that because of the TRUTH I found in the Word. (Bible) I believe because HIS SPIRIT DWELLS IN ME. Much as I would have liked to believe I am all the smart...I wasn't. Nor apart from HIM was there any good in me. Today, I live in a whole new world. But first came me agreeing with God and accepting salvation on His terms and NOT mine.

  2. Wow. Thank you for this sharp word of conviction and truth. This is a freeing word for those who will get low enough to receive it.
