Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A Thankful Heart

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits . . .  (Psalms 103:2)

Could it be that the angst we often experience is related to being ungrateful? It is a good practice to recount the things and people for whom we are thankful, and to do so often. When we express heartfelt thanks, we will always find it to be a relief to our souls. I defy you to be worried and unhappy after you spend just a few minutes remembering the many the ways the Lord is blessing you. Start with the fact that your heart is beating today without interruption and go from there. Read Psalm 103 and begin to count all His benefits in your life. Lift your hands and bless the Lord right now. I encourage you!


A grateful heart is a healthy one, and it is keenly aware of God's goodness, no matter the circumstance. We all could afford to say, "Thank You, Jesus," more often. It shows that we recognize the Lord's exquisite care and His loving attention to every detail of our lives. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we are also fearfully and wonderfully kept!


So, be sure to thank God often for His amazing grace and unfailing love. Thank Him, most of all, for His Son and His Spirit.


Let’s Pray – Precious Lord, I bring to remembrance the love You displayed toward me before I cared anything at all about You. Day after day You bless and keep me, and that my soul knows very well. Please receive my thanks and praise, and I will recall Your love and blessings every day. Amen.


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