Sunday, November 19, 2023

Mind Your Business

Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” (John 21:21-22)


"What is that to you?"

What the Lord chooses to do with and for others is none of our concern. Comparison and envy are the root of all insecurity. God distributes opportunities, goods, and attributes according to His wisdom, and He is not accountable to us for an explanation. We are, on the other hand, accountable to Him for that which He has given us! There is a great deal of wisdom in this.


"You follow Me."

Our walk with God is a very personal one, and while we are members of one another, there is a beautifully unique work He is doing in each one individually. We are to come alongside and build one another up, and to be sure not to interfere in God's sovereign work in others. This takes a great deal of self-control, but that is what God expects. We must remember His specific words to each of us, to follow Him closely, watch with Him at all times, and leave every other soul to Him. Then, He will use us to the benefit of our brothers and sisters, and we will be instruments of blessing everywhere He sends us.


. . . that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you . . . (1 Thessalonians 4:11)


Let's Pray - Lord, forgive me for comparing myself and my work to any other saint, and for being overly involved in the lives of others. You have a plan for each of Your children and may we all look to You alone for our strength and purpose. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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