Monday, May 29, 2023

Guarding Against Pride

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23, 24)

Pride is the most dangerous of sins, because it is blind to itself. It is a bold affront to God, and we're all guilty of it; yet it is so subtle that we rarely detect it or confess it. We may ask forgiveness for many things we say and do, but rarely for the pride behind those things.


Pride plans, acts, and thinks independently of the Lord, even in ministry. Pride distorts our self-concept, props us up, puffs us up, and makes us believe things of ourselves and others that are not true. It makes us consider ourselves first and last, it takes and demands more credit than it deserves, and it thinks about itself more than it should. The prideful man doesn't respond to correction very well. Now, I'm sure each of us can immediately point to at least one person who fits this description. The proof that we are prideful is we didn't point to ourselves.


Pride can be most dangerous when we insist on being right. Only God is good, only God is wise, and only God is right; and we do well to remember that. As long as we stand on our Christian principles, our doctrines, and our knowledge, we will miss the heart of God every time; His is a heart of love. He is not at all impressed with rightness, but righteousness — and the Bible makes it clear that we have no righteousness of our own to stand on. Only in Jesus Christ do we find moral perfection, and He expressed that perfection through service and sacrifice, not by being right or superior to others. Remember, we are born again into a life that follows His example of humility, love, service, and sacrifice. That is where our pride dies, and Christ comes alive in us. That is what it means to be led in the "way everlasting." Search us and lead us in the everlasting way, Lord. Amen.


Let's Pray - Lord, forgive me for the sin of pride. I am guilty of thinking more of myself and less of others. Please help me to walk in the humility of Jesus Christ. Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, PE! This is a great reminder for me to stay low.
