Jesus continued, "There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So, he divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild (prodigal) living. (Luke 15: 11-13)
The blessings we seek from God will distance us from Him, unless we are first pursuing an intimate relationship with Him. In spite of so much preaching today about our breakthroughs, our destiny, and our shining moment, the Bible is more focused on our character. So, our Father prepares and presents His wisdom to us every day, and we must be careful to turn aside from all other concerns and fellowship with Him through worship, prayer, and the Word. Our schedules tell us we don't have time for this, but our souls long for the moments of sitting at the table with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- laughing, feasting, talking, abiding in Him, and surrounded by His glory. While the prodigal son goes to his father to get a blessing, the wise son knows that being with his father is the blessing.
Have you been asking the Lord for things? Earthly things? Financial things? Success? Or have you been seeking His Kingdom? All those other things are secondary, but one thing pleases the Father — that we be more and more like His Son. Jesus did not concern Himself one bit with the things of this world, only that He might please the Father. Therefore, the Father was pleased with the Son, and He is pleased with us when we are found in Him. Let every other concern fade and seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then, ask what you will, and it will be done for you. That is the life and the prayer of the wise son and daughter. That is your life.
Let's Pray - Precious Lord, I will prioritize my relationship with You, for that relationship is the primary focus of my life. All my springs are in You. Amen.
AMEN. Making Him the primary focus of my life....and trusting that He alone will do so. He alone will complete an amazing transformation of my mind and my heart and soul. May He continue to be real to me.