Sunday, August 11, 2019

Teachers Take Heed

He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30)

But you, do not be called “Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. (Matthew 23:8)

The Holy Spirit is the only Teacher in the Church of Jesus Christ. The ONLY Teacher. We may teach (and well we should), but the Spirit is the only Person with the authority from above to teach and reveal the Father and the Son in our hearts. We do well to remember and receive this truth. This affords us the freedom to leave the results of our service to God, because we have been obedient to share the Word as He has directed. We are not responsible to make men understand or love the Lord, nor are we responsible for their growth and maturity in spiritual things. We do not have any lordship whatever over another saint's faith; that is between them and the Lord. The more we decrease, the sooner we decrease, the more purposeful we are about decreasing, the better. Many teachers have stumbled over the stumbling block of self-importance, and that never ends well. Never. Take heed to yourselves, teachers.

Let's Pray - Father, may each of us who teach Your Word do so according to the leading of Your Spirit and according to Your truth. May we remember we will be judged on a stricter basis. We will approach our calling with fear and trembling. In Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. Thank you, sir. I am reminded that Jesus’ relationship with His Father and obedience to Him was His number one priority, not people or results with people. Taking my eyes off anyone and everyone else today and looking unto Him.

  2. This is so true..nothing less than the power of the Holy Spirit..
    empty of self importance and false humility ..that is who Jesus was and is..
