Friday, June 28, 2019

The Chosen Few

"So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen." (Matthew 20:16)

In other words, few will prove themselves worthy of the call by laying down their lives, picking up their cross, and following Jesus. Answering the call of the Lord is not merely agreeing to do things for God, but we must obliterate our allegiance to any other relationship, any other cause, any other creed, and any other obligation. Our commitment to Jesus must become and remain unrivaled, and few of us ever reach that place of surrender.

That being said, it is God's sovereign right to choose who He will. At times, His choices seem strange to us, certainly not what we would have expected or chosen. For instance, who would have chosen Saul of Tarsus to be the quintessential apostle to the young church of Jesus Christ? Didn't he brutally persecute the church? Who would have chosen Gideon over the more qualified soldiers and leaders of his day? Why was Abram chosen out of all the men on earth? Didn't David have seven older brothers when he was anointed by Samuel? Why did Jesus choose uneducated and uncultured men to be His disciples, not to mention Judas, His betrayer? Yes, the Lord chooses some very unlikely and unworthy vessels. We must learn to see ourselves the same way, because God chose us, too. 

You did not choose Me, but I chose you . . . (John 15:16)

Let's Pray - Lord, please count me among the faithful; one who not only speaks what is right but does what is right. I know I am not worthy, but I want to be counted among the few. Amen.  


  1. This is always difficult to wrap my mind around..He chose me...

  2. Yes and Amen!!! I am glad God did the choosing and NOT me. I would have looked at my own unworthiness too. Proves His point....we don't see straight.
